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Showing posts from February, 2021

[VIDEO AND FILM PROD] Exercise 2: Scriptwriting (Week 2)

                 Word-for-Word Script for Commercial Magic Laptop Video Audio Slowly fade into a wide shot of a laptop with a tracking shot. Insert Epic Trailer Background Music Insert Text: Introducing Epic Trailer Background Music . Cinematic shot of Laptop Epic Trailer Background Music Demonstration of the Magic Laptop Pulling out objects on the screen. Epic Trailer Background Music Insert Text: The Ultimate Epic Trailer Background Music Insert Text: Magic Laptop Epic Trailer Background Music Slowly closing the laptop Epic Trailer Background Music     Insert Text: Nothing runs like it. Fade out to black Epic Trailer Background Music Voice Over: Nothing runs like it. Music Fade out...

[TYPOGRAPHY] Exercise 2: Multimedia Arts Logo (Week 2)


[TYPOGRAPHY] Exercise 1: Decorative Font (Week 1)

  "Happy Valentine's!" "Blessed Birthday!" "Scary Halloween" "Congratulations" "My Handwriting"